1-click Retweet/Share/Like

Edit position of 1-click Retweet/Share/Like widget on your blog. Select Manual option.
1-click Retweet/Share/Like Widget Location
> Show at Top and Bottom (default)
> Show at Top only
> Show at Bottom only
1-click Retweet/Share/Like Relative Position
Colors for Counters shown next to Retweet and Share buttons (not applicable to Like button):
Set font color of counters (default: 333333):
Select pages on which 1-click Retweet/Share/Like widget should show:
value="1" />    Display on Home page
value="1" />    Display on Archive page
Font Style for 'Retweet/Share/Like' buttons:
Text for 'Facebook Like' button:
Select checkbox for Manual option (this will disable the widgets):
value="1" />    Disable displaying 1-click Retweet/Share/Like (for Manual Option Only - see readme.txt)

Place the code ");?> in one of the files single.php or index.php (note: or any other file - as the file name depends on the theme you are using). These files can be found under directory ...\wordpress\wp-content\themes\
Your Suggestion
Email us at suggest@linksalpha.com if you would like a particular functionality or have any recommendations. Thanks.
FAQs / Help Pages
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